WP-CLI basic commands and examples

In the previous tutorial describing how to perform the installation of wp-cli on the server vps and today present ways to use it.
In a few seconds or install wordpress plugin.

wp-cli at ease working on the user account is not root. The first thing we'll do it or Open a log on the user selected by us.

I am doing this with root command :

admin is of course the user I am logging on to 🙂

the next step is to go to the directory where you want to make operation via wp-cli

Instant downloads wordpress !

If you want to download files instantly wordpress spend command:

public_html in our website will be uploaded to our wordpress already unpacked in the Polish version

instantly truth?

I create a database in the panel DirectAdmin and doing a standard installation of wordpress.

Installing the plugin!

The prerequisite to install the plugin through the wp-cli, to make it available in the general database plugins – https://pl.wordpress.org/plugins/. Actions do the same for each plug. In this tutorial we will install the plug contact forms 7:

. Go to the WordPress directory for which you want to install the plugin

Grab the name of the plugin from URL: https://pl.wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/ in the case of the plug contact forms 7 It is a contact-form-7

In SSH enter the following command:

If you want to install more than one plug, This type them in the spaces:

The plug is installed. After this message appears: Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.

Activations we installed the plugin using the command:

Plug the end of the run will be confirmed by an appropriate message Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins

Update WordPress and plugins!

Step 1. Go to the directory with the installation of WordPress, for example:

Step 2. Check the version of WordPress in this catalog.

Check for update:

If you already know the update is, start it:

2. See a list of plugins:

The result will be a table with a list of plugins and information if there are any updates in the form of:

I recommend immediately update all:

Of course, you can update only selected plug, for example.:

3. At the end of the translation update:

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