Generating an SSH key in Linux

To generate SSH keys on Linux use the command ssh-keygen, which by default generates an RSA key for SSH version 2.
The following tutorial on how to generate with a single key command ssh on Linux.

To generate keys, enter the following command:

After the command should report:

At this point it is possible to choose the location and name of the file where you saved will be key. You can leave the default value shown in parentheses, or give an inch path, because if you give the same name key will be saved in your home directory instead of the user who is logged in the directory .ssh. The selected location appears in two files: private key (default id_rsa) and the public (default When you select the default location to confirm it with the Enter key, should report:

At this stage, enter a phrase protecting our key. It should be noted, the phrase is intended to hinder as much as possible access to the private key, therefore one should use combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. The use of such a scheme will significantly increase safety.

After administration of the security phrase will be asked to repeat it:

If these passwords were in line should appear in the following information:

According to the information private key are located in ~ / .ssh / id_rsa while public location in ~ / .ssh /

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