PHP Installation 7 CENTOS and the panel VESTACP

I was looking for a long time the possibility of installing php 7.X for Centosa7 and panel vestacp.

Us alone installer installs PHP version 5.6 because that is the default repositories.

I was able to run without invasive php7 on a server with CentOS and the whole comes down to perform several commands.

We can replace php with this method 5.6 version 7.0.X or 7.1.X

We start by updating:

Then we check the currently installed version of php:

Installing the necessary package:

Then we add a dependent repository which version of php we want to install:

Dla PHP 7.1

dla PHP 7.0.X

Then we update:

When everything went well, we restart the services: php, httpd oraz nginx:


PHP i Nginx:

Again, we can check the php version with the command

Instead of the version 5.6 we should see the chosen version of php:

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