Installation OpenLiteSpeed ​​and php 7.4 on Centos 8

The following tutorial describes how to install OpenLiteSpeed ​​with PHP 7.4 on a server running Centos 8.
This is done using a few simple steps.
Some time ago, we described how to install OpenLiteSpeed ​​on a server with a panel DirectAdmin today we'll do it on the open system.

First, we install the repository command:

And we check to see if it is visible in the system:

Then install OpenliteSpeed

Run it on your system:

We also check its status:

PHP Installation 7.4

For starters, add repositories EPEL

Then install the packages php

We can also check if lsphp listening correctly:

Installing MariaDB

Run it on your system

We issue the command to carry out the basic configuration of the server and the MySQL root password giving

I answer questions:

Now login to the shell using the MySQL root user

I enter the password.

The next step is configuration management panel OpenliteSpeed ​​listening on port 7080 it unlocks the firewall

Password panel can generate by going to the directory:

And by typing:

Configuration OpenliteSpeed ​​with PHP 7.4

Log in to the admin panel and go to openlitespeed Server Configuration 'External App

Then add LiteSpeed ​​SAPI App with the following parameters:

Then we change the default PHP for the PHP version OpenLiteSpeed 7.4.

In the "Server Configuration", click the "Scripting".
In the "Name service module" select "lsphp74", which just added and click "Save".

The whole should look like

Add http and https to the firewall:

The last step is to change the port the port Opellitespped 80

Go to the tab Listener

In the "Default", click "View".

In the "Address Settings", click "edit" to the right.

And change the port 8080 na 80

We save and reload lsphp

If everything is done correctly by using the browser on our server IP address we should see the home page OpenLiteSpeed

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