Changing the language in the system and Debian Centos7
The following description of a very simple way to change the language in the console, the so-called locale for Debian and Centos
For Debian systems issue the command:
1 | dpkg-reconfigure locales |
choose from a list of interesting space select our language and go on.
In the case of CentOS to check the current language issue the command:
1 | localectl status |
is the result:
1 2 3 4 | localectl status System Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8 VC Keymap: n/a X11 Layout: n/a |
To set a different language issue the command:
1 | localectl set-locale LANG=pl_PL.utf8 |
This command will set us into Polish.
Changes in both Debian and CENTOS are visible when you login to the console.