Kategorie: Linux

Conversion Magento admin password from the database

Below a very simple way to change your password to the Admin panel in the script Magento

Phpmyadmin log in to our database.

If you are not sure, database that is associated with your site, You can find her name in the database configuration file Magento:

Magento 1.9 and older:


Magento 2:


You can open the configuration file using FTP and look line dbname, where you will find the database name.

Select the appropriate database from the drop-down menu on the left. Then click on the SQL tab, to be able to perform the following query MySQL. remember, that question will vary depending on your version of Magento:

Magento 1.9 and older:

UPDATE U admin_user SET `password` = md5('YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD'), is_active = 1 WHERE `username` = 'YOUR_ADMIN_USERNAME';

Magento 2:

UPDATE admin_user SET `password` = CONCAT(SHA2('xxxxxxxxYOUR_NEW_PASSWORD', 256), ':xxxxxxxx:1') WHERE `username` = 'YOUR_ADMIN_USERNAME';

make sure, You are replacing the following variables:
admin_user – jest to tabela bazy danych z bazy danych Magento. remember, że ta tabela może mieć prefiks taki jak “mg_” lub inny. After gaining access to the phpMyAdmin tool and selecting the database you see the Magento database prefix (if). If there is a prefix, should be replaced with a user name admin_user the correct name of the database table, for example,. mg_admin_user.

YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD – żądane hasło, you want to set. A sequence of characters is a salt cryptographic xx..xx. It can be anything, what you need, but make sure, that you use the same value in both parts of a SQL statement.

YOUR_ADMIN_USERNAME – Twoja nazwa użytkownika administracyjnego Magento, ie. Administrator.

xxxxxxxx – tajny klucz wygenerowany dla twojej instalacji Magento. The key can be obtained from the application configuration file listed at the beginning of this article.

Make inquiry, and your new password will be set Magento.


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