Installation and security of the MariaDB database server on Ubuntu 22.04

The following guide describes how to install the MariaDB database server on Ubuntu 22.04 We will do the whole thing in a few minutes using the console…

2 years temu 7.12 22.04

The following tutorial describes how to install Wine on an Ubuntu System 20.04 The following guide describes how to install Wine on Ubuntu System? The original version of SELinux was developed by…

2 years temu

Installing Node.js in Ubuntu 20.04

Node.js is the runtime, which is used to run JavaScript code outside of web browsers, especially on the server side. It is usually used…

2 years temu

Installing Krita in Ubuntu 22.04

You need a good painting tool? Check out Krita! It is completely free, open source and has dozens of features, that will please artists of all…

2 years temu

Gnome login as root

Below is a very simple tutorial on how to log in graphically via gnome with root privileges to our system. We will do everything in a few…

2 years temu

Installing OpenLiteSpeed ​​in Ubuntu 22.04

The following guide describes how to install OpenLiteSpeed ​​on Ubuntu 22.04. This is done using a few simple steps. (more…)

2 years temu

Autlogging to PhpMyAdmin in DirectAdmin

The following guide describes autologing to an e-mail account via the directadmin panel without knowing the e-mail password. (more…)

3 years temu

Installing Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 22.04

The guide describes how to install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 22.04. We will do everything through the console in a few steps. (more…)

3 years temu

Installing Google Chrome in CentOS 8

The following guide describes how to install the Google Chrome browser in the CentOS system with a few commands 8 (more…)

3 years temu

Own roundcube address on server with DirectAdmin and OpenLiteSpeed

The following guide describes how to configure our roundcube to be available at can be replaced with any prefix,…

3 years temu