Kategorie: Linux

Installation of the Hestia server management panel on Ubuntu / Debian

The following guide describes how to install the Hestia server management panel on Ubuntu systems / Debian.
We will do everything using the console in a few steps.

The hestia panel supports the following operating systems:

Debian 9
Debian 10
Debian 11
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 20.04

First, log in to the root console and download the installation script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/release/install/hst-install.sh

We run it with a command:

bash hst-install.sh

The entire installer will practically do the job for us, just accept the installation by clicking Y and wait:

Practically the last step is to enter our e-mail address and server hostname.

Installation will take approx 15 minutes. After installation, access to our server will be available by address:


So ours Hostnameserwera:8083.

Remember to redirect the A hostname record to the ip of our VPS server


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