The tutorial describes a very quick way to install php 8 on a server with directadmin panel.
We will do everything in a few simple steps.
CustomBuild already includes the latest php packages 8 so thanks to him we can install very quickly.
First, log in to the console as root and go to the directory:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
The next step is to edit the configuration file:
nano options.conf
And we set up php 8 as the version we want:
For me it is 4 wersja php.
save the file.
We download the latest packages with the command:
./build update
The last step is to compile php. We will do this by issuing an order:
./build php n
That's all 🙂 after recompiling we have php8 available to choose from in the domain settings.
Aby je ustawić przechodzimy do panelu directadmin zarządzanie kontami – Konfiguracja domen i wybieramy swoją domenę.
On the top left, we choose PHP version selection and choose the version that interests us.
I do not recommend using php productively yet 8 due to the fact that it is a fresh release and most scripts are not compatible with php 8!
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