Kategorie: Linux

Installing PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04

Today's tutorial I describe in a few steps to install PostgreSQL with a graphical management interface in Ubuntu phpPgAdmin 18.04.
Let's get started!.

At the beginning of the Ubuntu repositories we make an update command:

sudo apt update

Are installing PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin:

sudo apt -y install postgresql postgresql-contrib phppgadmin

Domyślnie PostgreSQL tworzy nowego użytkownika o nazwie “postgres” dla podstawowego uwierzytelnienia.
We will log in to the user's command:

its - postgres

Now you can access the command prompt using PostgreSQL:


We make the password change command:

password postgres

and leave.


Configuring Apache

cd /etc/apache2/conf-available/

And edit:

nano phppgadmin.conf
#Require local

This line should be commented on by.

Require all granted

This line should be commented on.

Go to the directory:

cd /etc/phppgadmin/

and edit:

nano config.inc.php

The following line set in the following manner:

$conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

We do restart services:

systemctl restart postgresql
systemctl restart apache2

Then we test the proper operation of the command:

netstat -plntu

Access to our phpPgAdmin is available at IPSERWERA:phppgadmin/


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