Kategorie: Linux

Change the computer name in Linux (Hostname)

Below instant tutorial on how we can change the computer name in Linux (Hostname) In Debian systems, Ubuntu, The CentOS is literally 2 minutes.

Checking the current name of the server you can be done using the command:



hostname -f

Edit your nano /etc/hosts

 nano /etc/hosts

The file should look like this:       localhost.localdomain   localhost   node.serwerweb.pl     node

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

the next step is to edit the file nano / etc / hostname

nano /etc/hostname 

And we enter the hostname node

We make a server restart.
When you log into the console, we can verify all the commands:

hostname -f
root@node:/tmp# hostname
root@node:/tmp# hostname -f

for systems CentOS issue the command:

hostnamectl set-hostname our new hostname

I also make a server restart.

In case of Ubuntu We use the same principle as a means for Centos

hostnamectl set-hostname our new hostname


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